A.4 The student will solve multistep linear and quadratic equations in two variables, including
a) solving literal equations (formulas) for a given variable;
b) justifying steps used in simplifying expressions and solving equations, using field
properties and axioms of equality that are valid for the set of real numbers and its subsets;
c) solving quadratic equations algebraically and graphically;
d) solving multistep linear equations algebraically and graphically;
e) solving systems of two linear equations in two variables algebraically and graphically; and
f) solving real-world problems involving equations and systems of equations.
Graphing calculators will be used both as a primary tool in solving problems and to verify
algebraic solutions.This seems to be one of the areas my students typically struggle with the most, especially part e (solving systems of two linear equations). If I could find a way to get students to truely master this standard, then they would have a better chance and mastering standard A.5 (solving Inequalities).